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Journal Articles

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Journal Articles

  1. "CT Image-based 3D Inflorescence Estimation of Chrysanthemum seticuspe"
    • Frontiers in Plant Science (2024)
    • Soushi Matsumoto, Yuzuko Utsumi, Toshiaki Kozuka, Masakazu Iwamura, Tomonori Nakai, Daisuke Yamauchi, Ichirou Karahara, Yoshinobu Mineyuki, Masato Hoshino, Kentaro Uesugi and Koichi Kise
    • Reviewed
    • Accepted.
    • (Related field: Plant image processing)
    • --Detail--

  2. "Petal Segmentation in CT Images Based on Divide-and-Conquer Strategy"
    • Frontiers in Plant Science, 15, 1389902 (2024)
    • Yuki Naka, Yuzuko Utsumi, Masakazu Iwamura, Hirokazu Tsukaya, and Koichi Kise
    • DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2024.1389902
    • Reviewed
    • (Related field: Plant image processing)
    • --Detail--

  3. "ViTSTR-Transducer: Cross-Attention-Free Vision Transformer Transducerfor Scene Text Recognition"
    • Journal of Imaging, 9, 12, 17 pages, MDPI (2023-12)
    • Rina Buoy, Masakazu Iwamura, Sovila Srun, Koichi Kise
    • DOI: 10.3390/jimaging9120276
    • Reviewed
    • (Related fields: Document Image Analysis, Pattern recognition, Deep Learning)
    • --Detail--

  4. "A Context-Based Multimedia Vocabulary Learning System for Mobile Users"

  5. "Towards A Low-Resource Non-Latin-Complete Baseline: An Exploration of Khmer Optical Character Recognition"
    • IEEE ACCESS, 11, 18 pages, IEEE (2023-11)
    • Rina Buoy, Masakazu Iwamura, Sovila Srun, Koichi Kise
    • DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3332361
    • Reviewed
    • (Related fields: Pattern recognition, Document Image Analysis, Deep Learning)
    • --Detail--

  6. "Explainable Connectionist-Temporal-Classification-Based Scene Text Recognition"
    • Journal of Imaging, 9, 11, 20 pages, MDPI (2023-11)
    • Rina Buoy, Masakazu Iwamura, Sovila Srun, Koichi Kise
    • DOI: 10.3390/jimaging9110248
    • Reviewed
    • (Related fields: Pattern recognition, Document Image Analysis, Deep Learning, Object Recognition)
    • --Detail--

  7. "Considering Wearable Health Tracking Devices and Pandemic Preparedness for Universities"

  8. "Poverty Traps in Online Knowledge-Based Peer-Production Communities"

  9. "Examining Participant Adherence with Wearables in an In-the-Wild Setting"

Proceedings of International Conference

  1. "VisPhoto: Photography for People with Visual Impairments via Omnidirectional Imaging Post-Production"
    • Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Digitization and E-Inclusion in Mathematics and Science 2024 (DEIMS2024), 4 pages, Tokyo, Japan (2024-2)
    • Naoki Hirabayashi, Masakazu Iwamura, Zheng Cheng, Kazunori Minataniand, and Koichi Kise
    • Reviewed Oral
    • (Related fields: Visually impaired assistance, Object Recognition)
    • --Detail--

  2. "VisPhoto: Photography for People with Visual Impairments via Post-Production of Omnidirectional Camera Imaging"
    • Proceedings of the 25th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS), pp.1-17, New York, USA (2023-10)
    • Naoki Hirabayashi, Masakazu Iwamura, Zheng Cheng, Kazunori Minataniand, and Koichi Kise
    • DOI: 10.1145/3597638.3608422
    • Reviewed Oral
    • <div id="red" class="blink">Best paper award winner</div>
    • (Related fields: Visually impaired assistance, Object Recognition)
    • --Detail--

  3. "Perception Versus Reality: How User Self-reflections Compare to Actual Data"

  4. "Exploring Users’ Ability to Choose a Proper Fit in Smart-Rings: A Year-Long “In the Wild” Study"

Proceedings of Japanese Conference

  1. "CT画像を用いたキクタニギクの小花配列の推定"
    • 電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告, vol.123, no.409, PRMU2023-75, pp.pp.140-145, 6 pages (2024-3)
    • 松本壮史, 内海ゆづ子, 小塚俊明, 岩村雅一, 黄瀬浩一, 中井朋則, 山内大輔, 唐原一郎, 峰雪芳宣, 星野真人, 上杉健太郎
    • URL: https://ken.ieice.org/ken/paper/202403044cb7/
    • Written in Japanese.
    • Not reviewed
    • (Related fields: Deep Learning, Plant image processing, Object Recognition / 1 file is available )
    • --Detail--

  2. "未知手話単語獲得に向けた手話動作特徴量空間の検討"
    • IEICE Technical Report, 123, 409, PRMU2023-52, pp.7-12, 6 pages, 広島大学 東広島キャンパス (2024-3)
    • 山田 大記, 井上 勝文, Partha Prathim Roy, 岩村 雅一, 吉岡 理文
    • URL: https://ken.ieice.org/ken/paper/20240303Zcbs/
    • Written in Japanese.
    • Not reviewed Oral and Poster
    • (Related field: Sign Language Recognition / 1 file is available )
    • --Detail--

  3. "Divide-and-Conquer Strategy Based Petal Segmentation in CT Images"

  4. "模型の触察を行うシンポジウムのオンライン開催の試み"
    • 電子情報通信学会、サイバーワールド研究会 (2024-3)
    • 南谷 和範, 渡辺 哲也, 岩村雅一
    • Written in Japanese.
    • Not reviewed Oral
    • (Related field: Visually impaired assistance)
    • --Detail--

  5. "CT image-based 3D Visualization of ant plant cavities"
    • 情報処理学会第86回全国大会予稿集, 4T-04, 2 pages, 情報処理学会, 東京都港区芝公園 3-5-8 機械振興会館 308-3, 神奈川大学 横浜キャンパス (2024-3)
    • 明井 綜佑, 内海 ゆづ子, 岩村 雅一, 塚谷裕一, 黄瀬浩一
    • Written in Japanese.
    • Not reviewed Oral
    • (Related field: Plant image processing)
    • --Detail--

  6. "MIRU2023ダイバーシティに関わるアンケート調査報告"
    • 情報処理学会研究報告コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア(CVIM), 2024-CVIM-237, 38, 1-7 page, 広島大学東広島キャンパス (2024-3)
    • 王 瑩,手島 知昭,橋本 敦史,早志 英朗,柳川 由紀子,山口 光太,横田 達也,内海 ゆづ子
    • Written in Japanese.
    • Not reviewed Oral
    • --Detail--

  7. "Recurrent neural network-based dynamic prediction model for short-term mortality in intensive care units: retrospective cohort study using the MIMIC-IV database"
    • In Proceedings of the 43rd Joint Conference on Medical Informatics (the 24th conference of the Japan Association for Medical Informatics), 4-G-4-06, 5 pages, 日本医療情報学会, 神戸ファッションマート (2023-11)
    • Yuta Nonomiya, Kenta Yanagi, Kaori Kuriu, Tokio Uchida, Yuichiro Iwashita, Fuminori Fujiwara, Kanta Yamaoka, Shoya Ishimaru, Soichiro Nakako, Hiroshi Okamura, Masakazu Iwamura, Koichi Kise, Ayumi Shintani
    • URL: https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/jcmi2023/subject/4-G-4-06/entries
    • Written in Japanese.
    • Reviewed
    • --Detail--

  8. "Tree-based machine learning model integrating clinical table data and chest x-ray images to predict prognosis of covid-19 patients"
    • Proceedings of the 43rd Joint Conference on Medical Informatics (the 24th conference of the Japan Association for Medical Informatics), 4-G-4-03, 5 pages, 日本医療情報学会, 神戸ファッションマート (2023-11)
    • Hina Kotoura, Kohei Yamamoto, Koki Horikawa, Ryohei Takamoto, Yuta Nonomiya, Yuichiro Iwashita, Kaori Kuriu, Shoya Ishimaru, Soichiro Nakako, Hiroshi Okamura, Masakazu Iwamura, Koichi Kise, Ayumi Shintani
    • URL: https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/jcmi2023/subject/4-G-4-03/entries
    • Written in Japanese.
    • Reviewed Oral
    • --Detail--

  9. "Effects of time-series data on machine learning-based survival analysis models for predicting readmission events in intensive care units"
    • Proceedings of the 43rd Joint Conference on Medical Informatics (the 24th conference of the Japan Association for Medical Informatics), 4-G-4-05, 5 pages, 日本医療情報学会, 神戸ファッションマート (2023-11)
    • Shaonan Liu, Yuta Nonomiya, Yuichiro Iwashita, Seiichi Kimura, Miku Saito, Oka Yamasaki, Shoya Ishimaru, Soichiro Nakako, Hiroshi Okamura, Masakazu Iwamura, Koichi Kise
    • URL: https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/jcmi2023/subject/4-G-4-05/entries
    • Written in Japanese.
    • Reviewed Oral
    • --Detail--

Surveys and Articles

  1. "5分で分かる!? 有名論文ナナメ読み:Alan Mathison Turing : The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis"

  2. "研究の「そのとき」を考える"


  1. "Quantitative knowledge retrieval from large language models"
    • arXiv, arXiv:2402.07770v1 [cs.IR], 21 pages (2024-2)
    • David Selby, Kai Spriestersbach, Yuichiro Iwashita, Dennis Bappert, Archana Warrier, Sumantrak Mukherjee, Muhammad Nabeel Asim, Koichi Kise, Sebastian Vollmer
    • URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.07770
    • Not reviewed
    • (Related field: Information Retrieval)
    • --Detail--