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- Date: January 2018 <--> December 2018
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- "Estimation of reading subjective understanding based on eye gaze analysis"
- PloS one, 13, 10 (2018-10)
- Charles Lima Sanches, Olivier Augereau, and Koichi Kise
- DOI:
- URL: Reviewed
- (Related fields: Reading-Life Log, Sensing)
- --Detail--
- "Proposal of Similar Image Retrieval System Using Large Scale Trademark Image Database"
- 日本画像学会誌, 57, 4, pp.403-412, 10 pages (2018-8)
- Riki Kudo, Motoi Iwata, Masakazu Iwamura, Koichi Kise
- DOI: 10.11370/isj.57.403
- Written in Japanese. Reviewed
- ( 2 files are available )
- --Detail--
- "A Survey of Comics Research in Computer Science"
- Journal of Imaging, 4, 7, pp.1-19, 19 pages, MDPI (2018-6)
- Olivier Augereau, Motoi Iwata and Koichi Kise
- DOI: 10.3390/jimaging4070087
- URL: Reviewed
- (Related field: Document Image Analysis)
- --Detail--
- "Similar Trademark Searching Method Considering Similarity Between Vienna Classification and Figures"
- 日本画像学会誌, 57, 5, pp.533-536, 4 pages (2018-10)
- Riki Kudo, Motoi Iwata, Masakazu Iwamura, Koichi Kise
- DOI: 10.11370/isj.57.533
- Written in Japanese. Reviewed
- ( 2 files are available )
- --Detail--
Proceedings of International Conference
- "Improvement of Trademark Retrieval Using Pseudo Relevance Feedback"
- Proc. 11th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 8 pages, Hyderabad, India (2018-12)
- Riki Kudo, Motoi Iwata, Masakazu Iwamura, Koichi Kise
- Written in Japanese. Reviewed
- ( 2 files are available )
- --Detail--
- "Mental State Analysis on Eyewear"
- Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Joint Conference and 2018 International Symposium on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Wearable Computers, pp.968-973 (2018-10)
- Olivier Augereau, Benjamin Tag, and Koichi Kise
- DOI: 10.1145/3267305.3274119
- (Related fields: Reading-Life Log, Learning Analytics, Sensing)
- --Detail--
- "Demo: Vocabulometer, a Web Platform for Ubiquitous Language Learning"
- Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, pp.361--364, 4 pages, ACM (2018-10)
- Clément Jacquet, Olivier Augereau, Nicholas Journet, Koichi Kise
- DOI: Reviewed
- (Related fields: Learning Analytics, Sensing)
- --Detail--
- "Investigating Gaze and Physiological Features to Estimate Comprehension on E-learning Video Lectures"
- International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Reading Experience & Analysis of Documents (READ2018) (2018-10)
- Yuya Ohbayashi, Shoya Ishimaru, Andreas Dengel, Koichi Kise Reviewed
- (Related fields: Learning Analytics, Sensing)
- --Detail--
- "Towards experiential supplements for education"
- Proc. International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Reading Experience & Analysis of Documents (READ2018) (2018-10)
- Olivier Augereau, Koichi Kise Reviewed
- (Related fields: Learning Analytics, Sensing)
- --Detail--
- "Keystroke tell you how confident you are: A new vocabulary acquisition tool"
- Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, ACM (2018-10)
- Takanori Maruichi, Olivier Augereau, Motoi Iwata, Koichi Kise Reviewed
- (Related fields: Learning Analytics, Sensing)
- --Detail--
- "Estimation of Student’s Engagement Using a Smart Chair"
- Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, ACM (2018-10)
- Kazuaki Nomura, Motoi Iwata, Olivier Augereau, Koichi Kise
- DOI: 10.1145/3267305.3267611
- URL: Reviewed Poster
- (Related fields: Learning Analytics, Sensing)
- --Detail--
- "ShakeDrop Regularization"
- Proc. 6th International Conference on Learning Representation (ICLR) Workshop, pp.1-4, 4 pages, Vancouver, Canada (2018-4)
- Yoshihiro Yamada, Masakazu Iwamura, Koichi Kise
- URL:
- Written in Japanese. Reviewed
- (Related fields: Object Recognition, Deep Learning / 2 files are available )
- --Detail--
- "Comics Story Representation System Based on Genre"
- Proceedings of the IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (2018-4)
- Yuki Daiku, Motoi Iwata, Olivier Augereau, Koichi Kise
- DOI: 10.1109/ICDAR.2017.293
- URL: Reviewed
- (Related field: Document Image Analysis)
- --Detail--
- "Vocabulometer: An eye-tracking web platform for reading analysis"
- Proceedings of the IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (2018-4)
- Olivier Augereau, Clement Jacquet, Koichi Kise, Nicholas Journet Reviewed
- (Related fields: Document Image Analysis, Reading-Life Log)
- --Detail--
- "Assessing Cognitive Workload on Printed and Electronic Media using Eye-Tracker and EDA Wristband"
- Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces Companion, Article No.45, 2 pages, Tokyo, Japan (2018-3)
- Iuliia Brishtel, Shoya Ishimaru, Olivier Augereau, Koichi Kise, and Andreas Dengel
- DOI: 10.1145/3180308.3180354
- URL:
- --Detail--
Proceedings of Japanese Conference
- "Depth Estimation of Panel Image for Stereoscopic Display of Comics"
- HCGシンポジウム2018, B-5-3, p.5, シンフォニアテクノロジー響ホール伊勢 (2018-12)
- Yusuke MAEDA,Motoi IWATAy,Koichi KISEy
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- <font color="red">特集テーマセッション賞(コミック工学)</font>
- (Related field: Deep Learning)
- --Detail--
- "ResNetsに対する新たな正則化手法ShakeDropの提案"
- 第21回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU2018)予稿集, OS2-L1, 4 pages, 北海道札幌市 (2018-8)
- 山田 良博, 岩村 雅一, 黄瀬 浩一
- Written in Japanese. Reviewed Oral and Poster
- <div id="red" class="blink">MIRU学生優秀賞</div>
- (Related fields: Deep Learning, Object Recognition, Pattern recognition / 3 files are available )
- --Detail--
- "ブドウ摘粒支援のための果房 3 次元構造推定"
- 第21回画像の認識・理解シンポジウム予稿集, DS-7, 4 pages (2018-8)
- 内海ゆづ子,三木啓輔,尾形亮輔,大林拓実,三輪由佳,岩村雅一,黄瀬浩一
- Written in Japanese.
- (Related field: Plant image processing)
- --Detail--
- "画像を用いた果房の3次元構造推定に基づくブドウの摘粒支援"
- 農業情報学会2018年度年次大会, P-06 (2018-5)
- 内海ゆづ子,三木啓輔,尾形亮輔,大林拓実,三輪由佳,岩村雅一,黄瀬浩一
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed Poster
- 若手研究者イノベーション賞受賞
- (Related fields: Plant image processing, 3D Reconstruction / 2 files are available )
- --Detail--
- "類似意匠推薦システム実現のための意匠特徴部の検出"
- 情報処理学会研究報告コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア(CVIM), 2018CVIM-212, 15, pp.1-5, 大阪大学 (2018-5)
- 古木 拓哉,岩村 雅一,岩田 基,黄瀬 浩一
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed Poster
- (Related field: Deep Learning / 2 files are available )
- --Detail--
- "全方位カメラを用いた物体検出とトラッキング −視覚障害者支援システムの実現に向けて−"
- 情報処理学会研究報告コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア(CVIM), 2018CVIM-212, 20, 6 pages, 大阪大学 (2018-5)
- 井上 慶彦,岩村 雅一,黄瀬 浩一
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed Poster
- (Related fields: Object Recognition, Visually impaired assistance / 2 files are available )
- --Detail--
- "個人の服装を考慮した髪型画像検索手法"
- 情報処理学会研究報告コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア(CVIM), 2018CVIM-212, 21, pp.1-7, 大阪大学 (2018-5)
- 川岸 樹奈,内海 ゆづ子,岩村 雅一,黄瀬 浩一
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed Poster
- ( 2 files are available )
- --Detail--
- "Confidence Estimation for English Word Typing by Using a Key-Logger"
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告パターン認識メディア理解研究会, PRMU2017, pp.1-6, 6 pages, 青山学院大学 青山キャンパス (2018-3)
- Takanori MARUICHI,Shuji SAKAMOTO,Olivier AUGEREAU,and Koichi KISE
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "文書への依存性を考慮したTOEICスコア推定法の実験的評価"
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 117, 442, PRMU2017-146, pp.7-12, 6 pages, 和歌山大学 (2018-2)
- 星加 健介,Olivier Augereau,黄瀬 浩一
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- ( 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "Estimation of Text Difficulty by Analyzing Text and Eye Gaze Features"
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 117, 442, PRMU2017-147, pp.pp. 13-18, 6 pages, 和歌山大学 (2018-2)
- 楽 卓登,Olivier Augereau,Charles Lima Sanches,黄瀬 浩一
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- (Related field: Reading-Life Log / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "Structure from motionを用いた植物根系の形態解析の検討"
- 信学技報, 117, 391, PRMU2017-137, pp.235-236 (2018-1)
- 古谷 舞,内海ゆづ子,松村 篤,黄瀬浩一
- Written in Japanese.
- (Related field: 3D Reconstruction)
- --Detail--
- 未来へつなぐデジタルシリーズ37 コンピュータビジョン -広がる要素技術と応用-
- 米谷竜, 斎藤英雄 編著, 池畑 諭, 牛久 祥孝, 内山 英昭, 内海 ゆづ子, 小野 峻佑, 片岡 裕雄, 金崎 朝子, 川西 康友, 齋藤 真樹, 櫻田 健, 高橋 康輔, 松井 勇佑
- 共立出版 (2018-6)
- Written in Japanese.
- 詳細は以下の通りです.
- --Detail--
- Advances of Scene Text Datasets
- Masakazu Iwamura
- Visual Text Interpretation - Algorithms and Applications in Scene Understanding and Document Analysis, Springer (2018)
- (Related field: Pattern recognition)
- --Detail--
- "Towards documents adapted to user's understanding" (2018-9)
- Written in Japanese.
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- "Manga as a media to convey knowledge to society"
- 2018 International Conference on Documentation and Information (ICDI 2018), Jakarta, Indonesia (2018-9)
- Motoi Iwata
- URL: Not reviewed
- Invited Keynote Talk
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