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- Date: April 2006 <--> March 2007
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- "Pattern Recognition with Supplementary Information"
- Trans. IEICE, J90-D, 2, pp.460-470 (2007-2)
- Masakazu Iwamura, Seiichi Uchida, Shinichiro Omachi, and Koichi Kise
- URL:
- Written in Japanese. Reviewed
- PDF file is available at <a href="">IEICE Transactions online (in Japanese)</a>.
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 2 files are available )
- --Detail--
- "Fast Deformable Template Matching for Isolated Character Recognition"
- Trans. IEICE, J90-D, 2, pp.503-513 (2007-2)
- Kazuya Negishi, Masakazu Iwamura, Shinichiro Omachi, and Hirotomo Aso
- URL:
- Written in Japanese. Reviewed
- PDF file is available at <a href="">IEICE Transactions online (in Japanese)</a>.
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 2 files are available )
- --Detail--
- "Fast Camera-Based Document Image Retrieval Using Local Arrangements of Feature Points"
- Trans. IEICE, J89-D, 9, pp.2045-2054 (2006-9)
- Tomohiro Nakai, Koichi Kise, and Masakazu Iwamura
- URL:
- Written in Japanese. Reviewed
- <div id="red" class="blink">This paper won 2006 IEICE Best Paper Award</div>
- (Related field: Document Image Retrieval / 2 files are available )
- --Detail--
- "Analysis of Annotation on Documents for Recycling Information"
- IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 126, 4, pp.443-450 (2006-4)
- Tomohiro Nakai, Nobuyuki Kondo, Koichi Kise, and Keinosuke Matsumoto
- Written in Japanese. Reviewed
- --Detail--
Proceedings of International Conference
- "Performance evaluation of face recognition in the wavelet domain"
- Proceedings on IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and System, pp.3344-3351, Beijing, China (2006-10)
- Yuzuko Utsumi, Yoshio Iwai and Masahiko Yachida Reviewed
- --Detail--
- "A Data-Embedding Pen"
- Proc. 10th International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (IWFHR2006), 6 pages, La Baule, France (2006-10)
- Seiichi Uchida, Kazuhiro Tanaka, Masakazu Iwamura, Shinichiro Omachi, and Koichi Kise Reviewed
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "Affine Invariant Information Embedment for Accurate Camera-Based Character Recognition"
- Proc. of the 18th International Conference of Pattern Recognition (ICPR2006), 2, pp.1098-1101, Hong Kong (2006-8)
- Shinichiro Omachi, Masakazu Iwamura, Seiichi Uchida and Koichi Kise Reviewed
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "OCR Fonts Revisited for Camera-Based Character Recognition"
- Proc. of the 18th International Conference of Pattern Recognition (ICPR2006), 2, pp.1134-1137, Hong Kong (2006-8)
- Seiichi Uchida, Masakazu Iwamura, Shinichiro Omachi and Koichi Kise Reviewed
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "Efficient Recognition of Planar Objects Based on Hashing of Keypoints — An Approach Towards Making the Physical World Clickable"
- Proc. of the 18th International Conference of Pattern Recognition (ICPR2006), 4, pp.813-816, Hong Kong (2006-8)
- Koichi Kise, Tomohiro Nakai, Masakazu Iwamura, and Satoshi Yokota Reviewed
- (Related fields: Document Image Retrieval, Document Image Analysis / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
Proceedings of Japanese Conference
- "A Method of Annotation Extraction from Documents Using Alignment Based on Local Arrangements of Feature Points"
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 106, PRMU2006-245, pp.61-66 (2007-3)
- Tomohiro Nakai, Koichi Kise, Masakazu Iwamura
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- (Related fields: Document Image Analysis, Pattern recognition, Document Image Retrieval / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "Evaluation of Data Extraction Accuracy toward the Realization of Data-embedding Pen"
- IEICE Technical Report, 106, PRMU2006-247, pp.73-78 (2007-3)
- Kazuhiro Tanaka, Seiichi Uchida, Masakazu Iwamura, Shinichiro Omachi, and Koichi Kise
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- (Related field: Pattern recognition)
- --Detail--
- "Skew Detection of Document Images by a Combination of Variant and Invariant"
- IEICE Technical Report, 106, PRMU2006-251, pp.97-102 (2007-3)
- Megumi Sakai, Seiichi Uchida, Masakazu Iwamura, Shinichiro Omachi, and Koichi Kise
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- (Related fields: Document Image Analysis, Pattern recognition)
- --Detail--
- "Text-Based Image Retrieval Using Earth Mover's Distance"
- 情報処理学会研究報告, NL-177-5 (2007-1)
- Kinji Takeuchi,Koichi Kise
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- (Related field: Information Retrieval / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "A Method of Fast Recognition of Patterns Represented by Many Feature Points"
- Proc. Vision Engineering Workshop ViEW2006, pp.249-254 (2006-12)
- Tomohiro Nakai, Koichi Kise, and Masakazu Iwamura
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- (Related fields: Document Image Analysis, Document Image Retrieval / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "A Report on MIRU2006 Young Researchers’ Program"
- IEICE Technical Report, 106, 429, PRMU2006-183, pp.73-84 (2006-12)
- Toshiyuki AMANO, Masakazu IWAMURA, Takahiro OKABE, Tsuyoshi KATO, Toru TAMAKI, Participants in MIRU Young Researchers’ Program 2006 , and Seiichi UCHIDA
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- ( 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "Better Decision Boundary for Pattern Recognition with Supplementary Information"
- IEICE Technical Report, 106, PRMU-376, PRMU2006-156, pp.159-164 (2006-11)
- Masakazu IWAMURA, Yoshio FURUYA, Koichi KISE,Shinichiro OMACHI, and Seiichi UCHIDA Not reviewed
- KJPR2006.
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "Effect of Moving Decision Boundaries in Pattern Recognition with Supplementary Information—Experimental Examination of Using Quadratic Discriminant Function—"
- IEICE Technical Report, 106, PRMU-301, PRMU2006-113, pp.53-38 (2006-10)
- Yoshio Furuya, Masakazu Iwamura, Koichi Kise, Shinichiro Omachi, Seiichi Uchida
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "Real-Time Document Image Retrieval Based on Local Arrangements of Feature Points and Its Application to Augmented Reality"
- IEICE Technical Report, 106, PRMU-229, PRMU2006-66, pp.41-48 (2006-9)
- Tomohiro Nakai, Koichi Kise, and Masakazu Iwamura
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- <div id="red" class="blink">2007 IPSJ Yamashita SIG Research Award Winer</div>
- (Related fields: Document Image Analysis, Document Image Retrieval / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "On Accuracy and Speed of Object Recognition Based on Local Arrangements of Feature Points"
- IEICE Technical Report, 106, PRMU-229, PRMU2006-67, pp.49-56 (2006-9)
- Masakazu Iwamura, Tomohiro Nakai, and Koichi Kise
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- PPTファイルを開くとパスワードを尋ねられますので、「読み取り専用」で開いてください。 <br> CVIM155-8.
- (Related fields: Document Image Analysis, Document Image Retrieval / 2 files are available )
- --Detail--
- "Experimental Investigation of Relation Between Near Neighbor Search Methods for Feature Vectors and Efficiency of Object Recognition"
- IEICE Technical Report, 106, PRMU-229, PRMU2006-68, pp.57-64 (2006-9)
- Kazuto Noguchi, Tomohiro Nakai, Koichi Kise, and Masakazu Iwamura
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- CVIM155-9
- (Related fields: Document Image Analysis, Document Image Retrieval, Object Recognition / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "On the Position of the Origin and Recognition Performance of Subspace Method"
- Proc. Subspace2006 in conjunction with MIRU2006, pp.42-51 (2006-7)
- Masakazu Iwamura, Shinichiro Omachi,and Hirotomo Aso
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- (Related field: Pattern recognition)
- --Detail--
- "Real-Time Document Image Retrieval using a Web Camera and Its Application to Augmented Reality"
- Proceedings of MIRU 2006, DS-5, pp.1379-1380 (2006-7)
- Tomohiro Nakai, Koichi Kise, and Masakazu Iwamura
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- <div id="red" class="blink">The best demonstration of MIRU2006</div>
- (Related fields: Document Image Retrieval, Document Image Analysis / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "Character Recognition in Scene Images by Fast Deformable Template Matching"
- Proceedings of MIRU 2006, IS2-42, pp.906-911 (2006-7)
- Masakazu Iwamura, Kazuya Negishi, Shinichiro Omachi, and Hirotomo Aso
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "FSA-Based Optimal Segmentation for Camera-Based CharacterRecognition"
- Proceedings of MIRU 2006, IS3-2, pp.1024-1029 (2006-7)
- Megumi Sakai, Seiichi Uchida, Masakazu Iwamura, Shinichiro Omachi, and Koichi Kise
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "Machine-Readable Handwriting Patterns by Data-Embedding Pen"
- Proceedings of MIRU 2006, IS3-2, pp.1296-1301 (2006-7)
- Kazuhiro TANAKA, Seiichi UCHIDA, Masakazu IWAMURA, Shinichiro OMACHI, and Koichi KISE
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "Relationship Between Decision Boundaries and Recognition Error Rates in Pattern Recognition with Supplementary Information"
- Proceedings of MIRU 2006, IS3-37, pp.1231-1236 (2006-7)
- Yoshio Furuya, Masakazu Iwamura, Koichi Kise, Shinichiro Omachi, and Seiichi Uchida
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "Camera-Based Character Recognition with Supplementary Informationby Area Ratio"
- Proceedings of MIRU 2006, OS5A-2, pp.187-192 (2006-7)
- Shinichiro Omachi, Masakazu Iwamura, Seiichi Uchida and Koichi Kise
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "顔認識のためのウェーブレット特徴量の評価"
- 画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU2006), pp.1302-1307 No. IS-3-49 (2006-7)
- 内海ゆづ子,岩井儀雄,谷内田正彦
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- --Detail--
- Document Information Retrieval
- Stefan Klink, Koichi Kise, Andreas Dengel, Markus Junker, Stefan Agne
- Digital Document Processing, pp.351-378, Springer-Verlag, London (2006-12)
- (Related field: Document Image Analysis)
- --Detail--
- "Earth Mover's Distanceを利用したキーワードによる画像検索" (2007-3)
- 竹内 謹治
- Written in Japanese.
- (Related field: Information Retrieval)
- --Detail--
- "局所的な形状情報に基づく相似不変な文字認識" (2007-3)
- Akira Horimatsu
- Written in Japanese.
- --Detail--
- "変量と不変量に基づく紙面の射影歪み補正" (2007-3)
- 丹羽 亮
- Written in Japanese.
- --Detail--
- "最近傍探索の近似と多段階化による物体の高速認識" (2007-3)
- Kazuto Noguchi
- Written in Japanese.
- (Related field: Object Recognition)
- --Detail--
- "PDF文書からの手順とその属性の抽出" (2007-3)
- Masaki Nouso
- Written in Japanese.
- --Detail--
- "部分領域の色情報と局所特徴量を用いた画像の索引付け" (2007-3)
- 富永 昌文
- Written in Japanese.
- --Detail--
- "局所特徴量を用いた動画像とランドマークの対応付け" (2007-3)
- 三宅弘志
- Written in Japanese.
- --Detail--
- "DBNを用いた人物行動に基づく物体認識" (2007-3)
- 三木 博史
- Written in Japanese.
- (Related field: Pattern recognition)
- --Detail--
- "Recognition and Understanding of Characters and Documents Using Digital Cameras"
- The Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 89, 9, pp.836-841, 東京 (2006-9)
- Koichi KISE, Shinichiro OMACHI, Seiichi UCHIDA, and Masakazu IWAMURA
- URL:
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- <a href="">The color version of Fig.2 is here.</a>
- (Related fields: Document Image Analysis, Pattern recognition)
- --Detail--