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- Publications matching the condition are shown.
- Keywords
- Date: January 2004 <--> December 2004
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- "Extraction of Profile Information from Newspaper Articles Using Support Vector Machines"
- Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 124, 11, pp.2260-2266 (2004-11)
- Hitoshi Yoshitani, Koichi Kise, Keinosuke Matsumoto
- Written in Japanese. Reviewed
- --Detail--
- "Reports of the DAS02 Working Groups"
- International Journal of Document Analysis and Recognition, 6, 3, pp.211-217, Springer (2004-3)
- E. B. Smith, D. Monn, H. Veeramachaneni, K. Kise, A. Malizia, L. Todoran, A. El-Nasan, R. Ingold Reviewed
- --Detail--
- "On the Bias of Predictive Distribution in Pattern Recognition"
- Trans. IEICE, J87-D-II, 2, pp.407-415 (2004-2)
- Masakazu Iwamura, Shinichiro Omachi,and Hirotomo Aso
- URL:
- Written in Japanese. Reviewed
- PDF file is available at <a href="">IEICE Transactions online (in Japanese)</a>. <br> <a href="">The paper is translated into English</a>.
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 2 files are available )
- --Detail--
Proceedings of International Conference
- "Document Image Retrieval in a Question Answering System for Document Images"
- 6th International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, Document Analysis Systems VI, 3163, pp.521-532, Springer (2004-9)
- Koichi Kise, Shota Fukushima and Keinosuke Matsumoto Reviewed
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- "Structures of Covariance Matrix in Handwritten Character Recognition"
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR 2004 and SPR 2004), 3138, pp.725-733, Lisbon, Portugal (2004-8)
- Sarunas Raudys and Masakazu Iwamura
- Written in Japanese. Reviewed
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "Multiple Classifiers System for Reducing Influences of Atypical Observations"
- Fifth International Workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems (MCS 2004), 3077, pp.233-242, Cagliari, Italy (2004-6)
- Sarunas Raudys and Masakazu Iwamura Reviewed
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
Proceedings of Japanese Conference
- "Isolated Character Recognition by Search of Partial Regions"
- FIT2004, I-018 (2004-10)
- Kazuya Negishi, Masakazu Iwamura, Shinichiro Omachi, Hirotomo Aso
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "Quantitative Evaluation of Simple Recurrent Network"
- FIT2004, H-005 (2004-9)
- Hitoshi Takeya, Masakazu Iwamura, Shinichiro Omachi, Masao Shimomura, Hirotomo Aso
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- ( 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "単純再帰ネットワークを用いた言語獲得過程の評価"
- 平成16年度電気関係学会東北支部連合大会, 1E-6 (2004-8)
- Hitoshi Takeya, Masakazu Iwamura, Masao Shimomura, Hirotomo Aso
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- ( 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "切り出しを同時に行う孤立文字認識法"
- 平成16年度電気関係学会東北支部連合大会, 2H-13 (2004-8)
- Kazuya Negishi, Masakazu Iwamura, Shinichiro Omachi, Hirotomo Aso
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "特徴点の追跡による二次元画像列からの三次元形状復元"
- 平成16年度 電気関係学会東北支部連合大会, 2H-19 (2004-8)
- Hiroshi Mochida, Masakazu Iwamura, Shinichiro Omachi,and Hirotomo Aso
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "Webを対象としたプロフィール情報抽出の基礎的検討"
- 情報処理学会第66回全国大会 (2004-3)
- 大前 信弘,吉谷 仁志,黄瀬 浩一,松本 啓之亮
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- ( 1 file is available )
- --Detail--
- "文書画像に対する質問応答システムIQAS"
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, PRMU2003-217, pp.13-18 (2004-2)
- Shota Fukushima, Koichi Kise, Keinosuke Matsumoto
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- --Detail--
- "サポートベクトルマシンを用いたプロフィール情報の抽出"
- 情報処理学会研究報告, 2004-NL-159, pp.7-12 (2004-1)
- Hitoshi Yoshitani, Koichi Kise, Keinosuke Matsumoto
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- --Detail--
- "A Method of Improving Precision for Document Image Retrieval"
- 画像の認識・理解シンポジウム講演論文集, 2, pp.483-488 (2004)
- 黄瀬 浩一, 福嶋 祥太, 松本 啓之亮
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- --Detail--
- Passage Retrieval Based on Density Distributions of Terms and Its Applications to Document Retrieval and Question Answering
- Koichi Kise, Markus Junker, Andreas Dengel, Keinosuke Matsumoto
- Reading and Learning, pp.306-327, Springer (2004-4)
- --Detail--
- 第5章「文書画像解析」
- 馬場口 登, 黄瀬 浩一, 山岡 正輝
- 画像解析ハンドブック, 機能編?部応用, pp.1813-1833, 東京大学出版会 (2004)
- Written in Japanese.
- --Detail--
- "Estimation of True Mahalanobis Distance from Eigenvectors of Sample Covariance Matrix"
- Systems and Computers in Japan, 35, 9, pp.30-38, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2004-8)
- Masakazu Iwamura, Shinichiro Omachi, and Hirotomo Aso Not reviewed
- PDF file is available at
- (Related field: Pattern recognition)
- --Detail--