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- Date: April 2002 <--> March 2003
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- "Estimation of True Mahalanobis Distance from Eigenvectors of Sample Covariance Matrix"
- Trans. IEICE, J86-D-II, 1, pp.22-31 (2003-1)
- Masakazu Iwamura, Shinichiro Omachi,and Hirotomo Aso
- URL:
- Written in Japanese. Reviewed
- PDF file is available at <a href="">IEICE Transactions online (in Japanese)</a>. <br> <a href="">The paper is translated into English</a>.
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 2 files are available )
- --Detail--
- "Spotting Where to Read on Pages — Retrieval of Relevant Parts from Page Images"
- Document Analysis Systems V, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2423, pp.388-399 (2002-8)
- K. Kise, M. Tsujino, and K. Matsumoto Reviewed
- --Detail--
Proceedings of International Conference
- "Spotting Where to Read on Pages - Retrieval of Relevant Parts from Page Images"
- 5th International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, Document Analysis Systems V, 2423, pp.388-399 (2002-8)
- Koichi Kise, Masaaki Tsujino, Keinosuke Matsumoto Reviewed
- --Detail--
- "A Method to Estimate the True Mahalanobis Distance from Eigenvectors of Sample Covariance Matrix"
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR 2002 and SPR 2002), 2396, pp.498-507 (2002-8)
- Masakazu Iwamura, Shinichiro Omachi, and Hirotomo Aso Reviewed
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 2 files are available )
- --Detail--
Proceedings of Japanese Conference
- "Robust Estimation of Distribution by Shrinkage Technique"
- IEICE Technical Report, 102, 652, PRMU2002-216, pp.31-36 (2003-2)
- Masakazu Iwamura, Shinichiro Omachi,and Hirotomo Aso
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 2 files are available )
- --Detail--
- "文字の2次元出現密度分布に基づく文書画像の部分検索"
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, PRMU2002-16 (2002-5)
- 黄瀬 浩一,辻野 雅章,松本 啓之亮
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- --Detail--
- 知能システム工学入門, pp.34-92, コロナ社 (2002-8)
- 松本啓之亮, 黄瀬浩一, 森直樹
- Written in Japanese.
- --Detail--
- "A Study on Estimation of Probability distribution in Pattern Recognition" (2003-3)
- Masakazu Iwamura
- Written in Japanese.
- (Related field: Pattern recognition)
- --Detail--
- "文書画像データベースの検索に関する一考察"
- 科学技術分野における電子的情報処理に関する研究集会, pp.91-96 (2002-12)
- 黄瀬 浩一, 松本 啓之亮
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- --Detail--