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- Date: April 1998 <--> March 1999
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- "Segmentation of page images using the area Voronoi diagram"
- Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 70, 3, pp.370-382 (1998-6)
- Koichi Kise, Akinori Sato, and Motoi Iwata Reviewed
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Proceedings of International Conference
- "A Computational Geometric Approach to Text-line Extraction from Binary Document Images"
- Proc. of the Third IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, pp.346-355 (1998-11)
- Koichi Kise, Motoi Iwata, Andreas Dengel, and Keinosuke Matsumoto Reviewed
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Proceedings of Japanese Conference
- "Character Recognition with Mahalanobis Distance Based on Between-Cluster Information"
- IEICE Technical Report, 98, 490, PRMU98-156, pp.49-54 (1998-12)
- Masakazu Iwamura, Shin'ichiro Omachi, and Hirotomo Aso
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 1 file is available )
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- "認識率に寄与する文字画像の固有ベクトル"
- 1998 Tohoku-Section Joint Convention Record of Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, 2G-24, p.286 (1998-8)
- Masakazu Iwamura, Shin'ichiro Omachi, and Hirotomo Aso
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
- (Related field: Pattern recognition / 2 files are available )
- --Detail--
- "隣接グラフによる文字列抽出"
- 画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU'98)講演論文集, ?, pp.281-286 (1998-7)
- 岩田 基, 黄瀬 浩一, 松本 啓之亮
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
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