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- Date: April 1996 <--> March 1997
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- "Understanding of Diagrams and Expository Text by Resolving Ambiguities of Interpretation"
- Trans. IEE of Japan, 116-C, 11, pp.1202-1210 (1996-11)
- Tadaaki Tani, Koichi Kise, Shinobu Takamatsu, Kunio Fukunaga
- Written in Japanese. Reviewed
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- "Page Segmentation Based on Effective Area of Background"
- Trans. IEE of Japan, 116-C, 9, pp.1035-1042 (1996-9)
- Koichi Kise, Yuji Akiyoshi, Shinobu Takamatsu
- Written in Japanese. Reviewed
- --Detail--
Proceedings of International Conference
- "A First-Order Theory of Agent Models with a Layered Architecture"
- Proc. of the Second International Conference on Multiagent Systems, p.444 (1996-12)
- N. Izumi, S. Takamatsu, K. Kise, and K. Fukunaga Reviewed
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- "Page Segmentation Based on Thinning of Background"
- Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 3, pp.788-792 (1996-8)
- Koichi Kise, Osamu Yanagida, and Shinobu Takamatsu Reviewed
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- "A First-Order Logical Formalization of Multi-Agent Models with Process Algebraic Formulation"
- Proc. of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems and Neural Networks, pp.116-119 (1996-8)
- N. Izumi, S. Takamatsu, K. Kise, and K. Fukunaga Reviewed
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- "A Personal Agent Dealing with Situation-Dependent Tasks"
- Proc. of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems and Neural Networks, pp.33-35 (1996-8)
- A. Kojima, N. Izumi, S. Takamatsu, K. Kise, and K. Fukunaga Reviewed
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Proceedings of Japanese Conference
- "電子図書館構築のための印刷文書のハイパーテキスト化"
- 画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU'96)講演論文集, ?, pp.277-282 (1996-7)
- 大開 保, 黄瀬 浩一, 高松 忍
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
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- "白領域の細線化を用いた文書画像の領域分割"
- 画像の認識・理解シンポジウム(MIRU'96)講演論文集, ?, pp.337-342 (1996-7)
- 黄瀬 浩一, 柳田 修, 高松 忍
- Written in Japanese. Not reviewed
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- "A Method of Post-Processing for Character Recognition Based on Syntactic and Semantic Analysis of Sentences"
- Systems and Computers in Japan, 27, 9, pp.94-107 (1996-8)
- K. Kise, T. Shiraishi, S. Takamatsu, and K. Fukunaga Not reviewed
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