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論文の言語 英語
著者 Yuichiro Iwashita, Andrew Vargo, Motoi Iwata, Koichi Kise
論文名 Personalizing Augmented Flashcards Towards Long-Term Vocabulary Learning
書名 Proceedings of the Augmented Humans International Conference 2024
Series AHs '24
ページ pp.263-266
ページ数 4 pages
出版社 Association for Computing Machinery
出版社の住所 New York, NY, USA
発表場所 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
発表の種類 ポスター発表
年月 2024年4月
要約 Flashcards are one of the most popular tools for learning vocabulary for second-language learners. While flashcard mediated learning is efficient, it may not induce motivation for continued use. Some researchers have proposed augmented flashcards that provide multimedia contexts to motivate people to study. However, the augmented flashcards also have a problem that it takes time to learn each target word. Understanding this tradeoff, we introduce a system that users can learn vocabulary with both standard and augmented flashcards. In addition, our system recommends the best learning strategy to users adaptively, and realizes the long-term vocabulary learning. In this paper, we describe the system and present the results of the preliminary data analysis towards the long-term vocabulary learning.
DOI 10.1145/3652920.3653045
URL https://doi.org/10.1145/3652920.3653045